Call for public consultation: Berry Standard

Fairtrade Finland has initiated a pilot project in collaboration with several companies, repsesenting the entire supply chain of the wild berry industry. The aim of the pilot project is to create local certification criteria for wild berries to tackle the challenges related to the berry picking industry in Finland.

We invite you to participate in the consultation for the Fairtrade Standard for wild Berries. For this purpose, we kindly ask you to provide your input on the topics and encourage you to give explanations, analysis and examples to illustrate your statements. All the information can be found on the Berry project web page.

Consultation period is from 13 March to 3 April, 2024.

Read more about the Berry Pilot Project:

In English: Fairtrade tackles the challenges of the wild berry industry in Finland

Suomeksi: Reilu kauppa ratkomaan kotimaisen marjanpoiminnan haasteita

For more information, please contact

Grete Vaatman

Specialist, The Berry Pilot Project

+358 44 2564 891